Saturday, September 06, 2008

Missed Opportunity

If you missed me today, it's because I was busy with some important paperwork (I'm buying a house with my beautiful wife) and I haven't had the time to really write something substantial, plus I've been lazy. I promise to be back on my game next week. For now, please enjoy the writings of my affiliate and close friend, Young Scrapp aka The Son of Rick aka The Onion over at All That's Fresh. While you're at it, PLEASE bookmark it as my brothers Diggs McCoy, Young Chris, Phil Riley & my cousin Rano bring insightful and hilarious commentary everyday like it's going out of style. Read the word and get educated. Get'em...

I don't even know where to begin. Yes I do, but please forgive me for backtracking to the end of last week. John McCain's VP pick, Sarah Palin, has been causing a rawkus (remember when they made great music?) in the mass media. Aside from everything else that has been said throughout the week, on paper, the Sarah Palin pick is a smart move by the McCain camp. It instantly attracts the female voters who are choosing to jump the Democratic ship because their candidate didn't make it. But in reality, its political pandering to a specific voter block...

Read the rest by clicking here.

Have a good weekend.

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