Friday, September 26, 2008

The Draw For It All - Snap Presidential Debate Analysis

I was becoming a little sea sick and dizzy from all the spinning going on on TV right now so I had to get a breather over here in my little world.

What I'm finding is that, as usual, it seems that who "won" the first presidential debate lies on party lines. For the GOPers, Obama was stumbling, didn't show the qualities to lead and doesn't have the experience to step into the presidential roles. For the Dems, McCain was closed, condescending and was living in the past.

Blah blah blah...

Let's get to the real talk here, and I hope that all of the thinkers out there are actually thinking. Everybody should be calling tonight's debate a complete and utter draw. Both candidates missed a lot of opportunities to gut check their opponent and neither could answer Jim Lehrer's question on where they stand on the current government bailout.

Obama seemed to have superior command of the facts & figures but McCain actually seemed to use his years on this Earth and his experience to his advantage. Maybe it was to a fault because it highlights his age and does make him seem like he was living in the past but I think it was effective for McCain to basically say "I've been there and I have a leg up on how this thing should go." Obama using his savvy is, in my opinion, a definite positive because I do get a feeling that if he gets in there, he'll definitely be ready on day 1.

Overall, if I HAD to pick a winner, I'd have to pick Obama, but only by default. Neither really got off the ground too good in my opinion, which is a negative for McCain because this was suppose to be his debate. Obama held his own in what was suppose to be a bad night and by denying McCain a complete and clear victory, he gained the W.

Next up, Biden Vs Palin and I guarantee that that's not going to be pretty. I'm putting my chips on Biden. If Palin's interviews have been any indication, it's going to be ridiculously one sided.

I'm gone for the weekend.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Notes From The Bed

So I've been laid up on bed rest since Tuesday after having undergone an operation to fix some veins in my lower abdomen. It's made it very difficult to walk and even stand for extended amounts of time. This op along with my doses of roxicet (a.k.a. percocet, and no they are NOT for sell) has given me nothing but time to be tuned into CNN, MSNBC and the web for non-stop election coverage, and holy crap did I pick a week to be out of it.

Our economy seems to be crumbling one brick at a time and the crazy thing is it seemed to be perfectly timed for Pres Bush's exit so he doesn't have to deal with any of it. From my vantage point Sen. McCain seems to be flailing as the topic of discussion is yanked away from the GOP talking points of faux outrage and accusations, which got them the lead in the national polls, to something real and concerning for the average American. While dealing with this quick moving crisis should be a bi-partisan thing, it's an election year so unfortunately it will be politicized no matter how much both campaigns swear it's not.

McCain, in his addresses all week, seem to try his hardest to link this crisis to Obama, saying that it's his fault, along with lobbyist and greedy investors. Here's the problem with that charge, and if you are an average person you should be able to see this for yourself, McCain's campaign is being run by lobbyist (including Phil "Nation of Whiners" Grahm) AND, in McCain's own words, Obama hasn't been in Washington that long to even contribute to it.

As astonishing as it seems, McCain flip-flopped-flipped this week. First he said he's against regulation (calling himself a fundamental deregulator) and blames this crisis on an "alphabet soup" of regulation bureaucracy, then calls for a new committee called the MFI and calls for tougher regulation, then goes back and says he's still for deregulation and less government...even as government has had to take over 3 institutions in a week. If THIS is not BIG government, something that McCain is against, I don't know what is! McCain has even said he'd fire the SEC chairman (something a President can't do) as if that would help quell this hellfire. If this week hasn't convinced people that McCain isn't that strong of a candidate when it comes to being forced to deal with a real issue, then I don't know what else you need to see.

For his part, Obama has decided to kind of play the background and wait for the FED chairman and other economic players to come up with a plan before he puts his own plan out there. This could help and hurt Obama depending on what side of the vote you're on. One way of looking at this is Obama is hesitant to make a mistake and is not taking effective leadership on the issue, which would turn you off. The other way is Obama is showing he has the temperament and the coolness needed to lead in a time of peril; that he can sit back and listen to his advisors and experts and make informed decisions. Which ever side of the argument you're on, I would hope you could agree that either is better than McCain's flying off the handle and foaming at the mouth diatribes about how this is Obama's fault and that's that.

For the week, I'd have to give Obama a B+ and McCain a D.

I think Obama, while being level headed and calculating, could have taken stance that's a bit more forceful. He's certainly projecting a very presidential image, especially this morning as he was flanked by his economic advisors at his Florida press conference.

McCain's blame game and flip-flops can be summed up in two words: economy fail. You cannot rail against the bail-outs, then agree with them, then say they wouldn't have happened if you were president. You cannot say someone hasn't been in Washington long enough to have experience, then blame a crisis on said someone who wasn't there for setting laws that have lead to this crisis. You cannot place blame on lobbyist and the "good ole boys" when lobbyist and good ole boys run and are the primary contributors to your campaign. You cannot call for smaller government then agree with bailouts that are only expanding government to an enormous size. Finally, don't rail against deregulation and offer some regulation when you support deregulation and you're top economic advisor pushed through bills for deregulation.


Secondly, and more mind blowingly, this whole Troopergate scandal really truly should be enough to sink the GOP ticket. Let's examine this shall we?

First, Gov Sarah Palin said "hold me accountable". She said she had nothing to hide and her administration welcomes the investigation. Fast forward to now and that same Gov Sarah Palin is STALLING the investigation, effectively KILLING it until after the election. Last Friday 12 people from Palin's cabinet and her husband Todd Palin were issued subpoenas to testify for the investigation. A week later today, we have all 12 people refusing to comply with those subpoenas citing executive privilege along with private citizen Todd Palin.

Firstly, those 12 administration workers cannot be held in contempt of the Alaska congress until they reconvene, which won't be until January. That means we will not find out if Gov. Sarah Palin is indeed a criminal in illegally having someone fired until after the election and well into sometime next year. IF this country is to doom itself and actually vote these people in office, we will NEVER find out what really happened.

Secondly (and please excuse the caps but they are needed for this point) HOW IN THE HELL IN THIS LIFE CAN A PRIVATE CITIZEN REFUSE TO COMPLY WITH A GOVERNMENT SUBPOENA AND NOT BE ARRESTED!?!?!?!?! No seriously, how is it possible that Todd Palin, who holds no office and has no executive power, get off the hook for testifying in a government investigation? WOW. If that's not a swift kick in the pants with a shit-stained steel toed boot, then tense up for and additional swing. The "First Dude" won't even show up to claim his non-existent executive privilege. If this isn't the first inclination that we'll have Dick Chaney Pt. 2: Electric Boogaloo in the VP office I don't know what is.

This whole troopergate situation is a sign, and if this country doesn't heed it then the US deserves whatever it gets. Only in America can a politician be corrupt in front of your eyes and lie to your face and still get almost 50% of the vote because you'd like to have a beer with them.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Life Sciences

I'll be back to the political opinion writing soon, but as my wife can tell you, one of my other top loves is science.

How much do I love science? I subscribe to the Bad Astronomy Blog rss feed (I'm a Phil Plait superfan), the Universe Today rss feed, the Scientific American rss feed and the Softpedia Science News rss feed. I also subscribe to the Skeptic's Guide To The Universe podcast, the Astronomy Cast podcast, the NOVA scienceNow podcast (I am a Neil deGrasse Tyson stan) and the Scientific American podcast as well as Sci-Am's 60 Second Science podcast. My wife also catches me watching the Discovery channel (MythBusters) and the Science channel occasionally when they have something awesome on.

So when I caught this in one of my feeds, I had to bring it to you. This is way too cool:
A team of biologists and chemists is closing in on bringing non-living matter to life.

It's not as Frankensteinian as it sounds. Instead, a lab led by Jack Szostak, a molecular biologist at Harvard Medical School, is building simple cell models that can almost be called life.

Szostak's protocells are built from fatty molecules that can trap bits of nucleic acids that contain the source code for replication. Combined with a process that harnesses external energy from the sun or chemical reactions, they could form a self-replicating, evolving system that satisfies the conditions of life, but isn't anything like life on earth now, but might represent life as it began or could exist elsewhere in the universe.

Now I fully expect the extreme Christians to start bashing this as playing God, but I'd argue, why haven't they considered that God gave scientist the tools to do certain experiments such as this? Why is it never considered that Science is part of God's plan? If God knows all, and has a master plan, then the All Knowing knew and knows this is happening. One cannot claim that this disrespects God and spits in the Elohim face when it was Christians themselves who killed and still kill in the name of which should also spit in Elohim face. If it's your belief that God works through everything, then stop boycotting science and start considering that God is working through science to help you live longer and better.

Any who, back onto the article. With these developments, it pits scientist, more specifically biologist and chemist, closer to finding out exactly how life can begin on young planets, especially the planet we are on especially If Mr. Szostak's team is successful in creating a wholly autonomous system in the protocells. This should also be big news in the field of Astronomy as once Mr. Szostak's team can determine the conditions for which the protocells can evolve, this will start a hunt for planets, young & old alike, that house those certain conditions. This could lead to our first true discovery of life on other planets, most likely extra-solar. It will also be a huge leap in discovering exactly how evolution works and possibly how it got jump started here. Like I said, this is really cool.

Read The Rest Of The Story

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Point Out The Bounce

Return of the Maverick? No. Return of the Mac (c) Mark Morrison? Definitely.

Yesterday Rasmussen & Gallup reported new tracking numbers from their polls taken from 9/5 to 9/7 and 9/4 to 9/6 respectively and the GOP convention bounce was looking like it had just started. Rasmussen reported +1% percent lead for McCain with the vote showing McCain at 48% and Obama at 47% with "leaners" included. Gallup shows that McCain is at 48% and Obama is at 45%. While both of these are within the usual %3 +/- margin of error the shocker comes from a new USA Today/Gallup poll. This one puts McCain at 50% and Obama at 46% with registered voters BUT puts McCain at 54% and Obama at 44% with those most likely to vote. That's well outside of the margin of error and, even though it could be an outlier, is very good news for the McCain campaign. This shows that the GOP is finally and definitively accepting McCain as their nominee and with the selection of Gov. Sarah Palin as VP, they are also energized.

So what can McCain do to keep this roll going? Simple. Stay on message and continuously hammer Obama on his experience compared to Palin's. Everyone, including me, thought that it was a lost argument, but from what I've seen at their convention, the GOP is going to flip it and bounce it so that they make even more of an experience argument. If they can get Obama on track to start going hard at Palin more than McCain, this will bring McCain's positive rating up because he's out of the fray. Joe Bidden needs to start making national news and quick with his attacks at on Palin AND McCain because it seems like McCain & Palin are double teaming Obama with no regard.

If they want to get the momentum back the Democrats REALLY need to grow some cojones and start going at them harder. While themes of "Hope" and "Change" are wonderful, the other side is going to go way down into the mud, and sometimes through the sewers, and won't bat an eye. They'll toss around the words Muslim and Terrorist and this is how the GOP gets points without saying one positive thing about themselves. McCain will continue to hammer Obama on Obama's negatives, and while Obama can laugh it off in those town meetings, the truth of the matter is, people who only watch local news are not getting to see that. He and his posse has got to grow a pair and start firing back harder and more often. Now that the conventions are over the accusations are going to be flying at a breakneck speed and I expect them to be 70% GOP to 30% Dem. That's how they win elections and that's how their going to try to win this one.

Once the GOP convention bounce dissipates (in about a week or so) we'll see where we stand. Remember at this point after the conventions in 2004 Bush lead ALL polls and did so until his victory against Kerry (source). Although Obama is a much stronger candidate than Kerry, if we see this trend with McCain, Democrats should start biting their nails.

In related news, I've just come across this video. Here's an African American kid claiming to be the real father of Bristol Palin's baby. Of course this is YouTube so the kid has not been vetted. He's also a musician so he might just be trying to get his career jump started so take this with a grain of salt. One thing to remember, even if this kid is telling the truth (and he does sound extra sincere about it), I don't think Bristol is due to give birth before the election so this will probably have little to no effect. Nevertheless, I'd have to say this is somewhat believable.

And I'm out...

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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Missed Opportunity

If you missed me today, it's because I was busy with some important paperwork (I'm buying a house with my beautiful wife) and I haven't had the time to really write something substantial, plus I've been lazy. I promise to be back on my game next week. For now, please enjoy the writings of my affiliate and close friend, Young Scrapp aka The Son of Rick aka The Onion over at All That's Fresh. While you're at it, PLEASE bookmark it as my brothers Diggs McCoy, Young Chris, Phil Riley & my cousin Rano bring insightful and hilarious commentary everyday like it's going out of style. Read the word and get educated. Get'em...

I don't even know where to begin. Yes I do, but please forgive me for backtracking to the end of last week. John McCain's VP pick, Sarah Palin, has been causing a rawkus (remember when they made great music?) in the mass media. Aside from everything else that has been said throughout the week, on paper, the Sarah Palin pick is a smart move by the McCain camp. It instantly attracts the female voters who are choosing to jump the Democratic ship because their candidate didn't make it. But in reality, its political pandering to a specific voter block...

Read the rest by clicking here.

Have a good weekend.

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Barracuda Tears Through The Truth

Last night you would have thought Obama got a sex change, melanin removal, put some amber hair extensions in, put on a dress and glasses and changed his party affiliation. Sarah "Barracuda" Palin ran through the Democrats on some Wesley from "Wanted" thread factory/butcher shop shit and the GOP officials, activist and supporters in the crowd went nuts. She literally had them eating out the palm of her hand as some pundits pronounced that the GOP has found their Obama. All my wife & I heard last night was continuous praise of how she knocked it out the park and that the Democrats have found a fight, and I'd say their half right.

About the style:
It was nice I admit. She had lots of energy, she had some personality and she presented effortlessly. There were more than a few times she sounded condescending and snarky but overall, with the bar set at about a half an inch off the ground, she cleared it easily. Her mission was to energize a dying party, and with the help of Guiliani (who my cohort Scrapp will tackle tommorrow, along with Romney and others over at All That's Fresh), it was mission accomplished.

About the substance:
I think we all can pretty much agree that the substance was non-existent, but I'm not sure that's by accident. Since it was largely an anti-Obama speech (which the GOP has pretty much been doing this whole time) I think they are saving the substance until Gov. Palin can get caught up on all the issues.

So what exactly did she address:
  • She will fight for families with special needs. - I can't front, that's a line that should grab some votes.

  • I will fight against pork and wasteful spending. "I told Congress thanks but no thanks for the bridge to nowhere." - BZZT! Wrong. This has been completely debunked by the Associated Press. Quote, "As mayor of Wasilla, Palin hired a lobbyist and traveled to Washington annually to support earmarks for the town totaling $27 million. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation."

    It should also be noted that the GOP is claiming she's taken on corruption, and while that may be true, she held an important position in a 527 group that supported Sen. Ted Stevens.

  • Obama will raise ALL of your taxes. - Incorrect. The pesky fact checking by the AP again: "The Tax Policy Center [...] concluded that Obama's plan would increase after-tax income for middle-income taxpayers by about 5 percent by 2012, or nearly $2,200 annually. McCain's plan, which cuts taxes across all income levels, would raise after tax-income for middle-income taxpayers by 3 percent, the center concluded. [...] He also would raise income taxes, capital gains and dividend taxes on the wealthiest. He would raise payroll taxes on taxpayers with incomes above $250,000, and he would raise corporate taxes. Small businesses that make more than $250,000 a year would see taxes rise."

    Both men will raise your taxes, but Obama is promising an immediate $1000 tax break to the middle class AND he wants to end the war which will save us BILLIONS of dollars over the next years. Now I know that raising taxes is automatically demonizing and typically applied to the Democrats, but let's be honest. When a politician needs to pay for something, he/she WILL raise taxes on something. This Iraq war is being paid for with borrowed money from China, how do you think we're going to pay them back? With hearts & rainbows? McCain KNOWS that people are not going to look into his plans to raise taxes on the middle class because that's not what GOP politicians are known for. Therefore, he's hoping, you the American people, will turn a blind eye while he raises taxes to pay for the war and attempt to balance the budget.

  • Why can't [Obama] bring himself to say the word "Victory"? - Guess who else won't bring himself to say the word victory? General Petraeus. Surprise! Guess who ALREADY declared victory, but now says that we haven't obtained it and it's in sight? Sen. McCain AND Pres. Bush. So let's see, we have a General on the ground who the GOP look to who has never and won't bring himself to say victory, but he's the oracle of the war, yet Sen Obama won't say it, so Obama must not be a full patriot. What kind of twisted, construed...oh yea, this is the GOP. Nevermind.

    By the way, I'd absolutely love it if Sen. McCain, Gov. Palin, Sen. Liberman, Mitt Romney, or anybody else on the right side to exactly explain to me how we can achieve that victory. Once it was "if the Iraqi government tells us to leave, we will", they have and we won't. I just don't know what the conditions for victory are because if it's to totally annihilate the "terrorist" that won't happen unless we nuke all of the Persian gulf and THAT definitely will not happen.

  • "I fought to bring about the largest private-sector infrastructure project in North American history. And when that deal was struck, we began a nearly forty billion dollar natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence..." - Ummm, NOPE! This time the truth comes from her own backyard: " building has begun and actual construction is years away, if it ever happens. This summer the Alaska Legislature, at Palin's request, passed a bill under which the state will issue a "license" to a Canadian energy company, TransCanada Corp., and pay it up to $500 million as an incentive to someday build this enormous project, which Alaska politicians have long sought with little success.

    So lets see, energy independence from a pipline that hasn't even been started, that a Canadian company is suppose to build. Anyone see the oxymoron there?

And finally we get to the doozie. "Being mayor is sorta like being a community organizer," she quipped, "except that you have actual responsibilities." The crowd lit up and laughed just as they did when Rudy made a joke about a couple minutes earlier. Let's set something straight, the former head of the PTA of her children's school is dissing community organizers. PTA, Neighborhood Watch, the NAACP, the Civil Rights Movement, the Labor movement and the Women Rights ALL started out as small community organization. For pete's sake you could argue that the political party system we have now have roots in community organization.

The main point is if we're going to talk about how Gov. Palin has more exec experience than Biden and Obama, then we HAVE to talk about her having more experience than Sen. McCain as well. Therefore I would have proposed that the McCain-Palin ticket become the Palin-McCain ticket, but it's too late for that.

I invite all my criticism to be labeled as sexist. Seems that's exactly what their plan is anyway...

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Pet Your Chicken Over the Internet (Seriously)

As reported on by Alex over at Neatorama, the National University of Singapore’s Mixed Reality Lab has actually developed a way for an owner to physically pet his chicken through the series of tubes. Here's an excerpt from the web page:
The idea was inspired by acts of pets and animal abuse through lack of welfare. This system enables humans to provide care for pets even though they are physically not together. The system enables a human to remotely touch her pet which is kept at home while she is away(in her office), and at the same time monitor the movement of the pet. This is realized by using a doll, which resembles the real pet located remotely, sitting on a mechanical positioning table. The pet owner interacts with the real pet by touching the doll.

I think we ALL know where this is going...go go gadget "interactive" adult websites.

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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

R.I.P. Don LaFontaine

Credit to Damiain Dovarganes


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Palin's Pummeling

First things first, I have to thank my man Johnny Jones for being my first ever commenter. If I had a prize to give out, you'd get it, but I must say, at this point your campaign is going better than VP hopeful Sarah Palin's.

So over the long beautiful weekend, we've all been hit over the head by story after story about Gov Palin's politics, record and family, oh and apparently she supported some party that has the "call to vote on the succession of Alaska from the union" as a central issue. All of this and she's only been the official VP candidate for ONE weekend!

First off, I'd like to condemn any one who's attacking young Briston Palin herself or the Palin family personally (read: Bossip). Just as you wouldn't want Larry and'em down the street going hard at your family for whatever reason, there's no need to personally go at them.

Now on to the politics of it. Gov. Palin is pro-life, I mean REALLY pro-life, to the point where she's against birth control pills because she believes it's a form of abortion. She's against abortion even in the extreme cases of incest and rape (hello Mr. Dukakis). She's also an advocate of teaching abstinence in the home (which isn't bad) but she's against sex ed in school and is against condoms. The problem with this stance is it's been proven that teaching abstinence alone does not help in the prevention of teen pregnancy. I have news for people, and it may be surprising but, teenagers have sex, a lot of it. It's a natural thing and humans have been doing it for a long time. I'd love for my future children to wait until they were old enough to understand the consequences (read: wanting more and more often) but if they're going to do it, I'd much rather then know the ends in and outs AND to do it safely. I don't need to be a grandfather at 42 (I'm 25 now if you cared) so I want my kids to get the best sex education a school can give them and even give them condoms for free so they don't feel embarrassed to buy them at the local CVS. All of these factor into the decline of teen pregnancy we've seen over the years. Now I'm not saying Gov. Palin would be able to implement her abstinence polices as VP, especially if the Democrats keep control of congress, but it's something to think about.

There's also the hypocrisy of the GOP who always look down there noses at unwed teenage mothers, especially in the urban communities, but celebrate the fact that Gov. Palin is sticking up for her own and even use it to show how strong her conservative values are. I thought the Christian right damned those mothers, but will now champion one because she's on your side of line and her mother is the VP candidate?

Secondly, it's being reported now that Gov. Palin was a supporter of the corruption maestro himself Sen. Ted Stevens who's famous for two things: 1. the Bridge to Nowhere and 2. "...the Internet is not something that you just dump something on. It's not a big truck. It's a series of tubes.". Sen. Stevens is also under investigation for receiving services from certain companies in return for getting them money from earmarks. Apparently Gov. Palin was for the bridge to nowhere (to get elected) before she was against it (to get elected). Now politicians change their mind like the wind blows and the sun sets, the problem here is, she denies ever being a support of Sen. Stevens, EVER. The second problem with all this is that she's being touted as someone who is against earmarks, but in fact had earmarks funneled to the small town she was mayor of and has requested plenty of earmark money for Alaska as Gov. She was also using bridge funding for other projects. Is this a deal killer? No, once again plenty of politicians do this and it's no shocker, but as this and other stories culminate, it's starting to turn the narrative on Gov. Palin that she is a say/do anything to win politician.

Lastly, there's a new movement out saying and trying to prove that Gov. Palin was actually a part of, or at least supported a party that advocates the voting on the right for Alaska to succeed from the US. If THIS comes true, I think it could be WAY more damaging than anything else. Sen. McCain's current McCampaign motto is "Country First" and, where this claim to be true, this would seriously throw doubt on Gov. Palin's stock in whether she puts country first on Alaska first. The blogosphere is already (maybe unfairly) questioning whether Palin is putting country first over family, does the McCain campaign really need the narrative to be does Palin put Alaska before country before family? Because if that's the order, I don't think that'll fly.

Couple all of these weekend mini-controversies or "miniversies" (C) Cannon with the McCain campaign manager Rick Davis now stating that "This election is not about issues" and you've got yourself a bonified quagmire for a convention that's only half started because of Hurricane Gustav's unfortunate actions. Saying that this election is not about issues is like tossing a giant rubber band ball at a kid swinging with a metal bat. The Obama campaign is likely going to blast this all over the wire and claim that the McCain campaign does not care about the issues and what government needs to do, only that you, the people, like them enough.

I don't know who's driving the McCain McCampaign or what message they're trying to push but I will be waiting and watching to see how the GOP turns all of this around. I'm really wondering what kind of convention bounce McCain can have realisitically.

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Think Obama Can Win Too

As I've stated before. I'm a huge fan of SOHH. I'm loving the fact that they have a wide range of blogs discussing different topics. My favorite now is Biko's HH4PREZ blog where he's covering politics from the Hip-Hop side of things. First off congratulations homey on making it out to Denver and covering the festivities. A job I wish I could have had as me & the wife would have loved to have gone.

In Biko's newest post he list 5 things he believes will help Obama on to victory that first Tuesday of November. While I agree with you Biko on a lot of stuff in your previous post, I've got a few things that I gotta talk out with your list.

#1 He Needs to Keep Working with Clintons - True

You won't get an argument from me. What REALLY needs to happen, besides campaigning in the battleground states, is the Clintons need to deliver Arkansas. While it's only worth 6 EV, it's 6 EV that's taken away from Sen. McCain. If Bill & Hillary can pull that off, they'll really restore their standing in the party.

#2 Stops Pissing Off Veteran Black Leaders - False

Here's where we get some static. I don't know if you know this but Jesse Jackson & Tavis Smiley are the ONLY Black leaders that really went off on Obama (Bob Johnson doesn't count); and both of them only did it for personal reasons. Jesse was mad that Obama pretty much told the Black community what we needed to hear and is getting shine from it while Jesse isn't getting any play while Tavis just felt slighted because Obama didn't attend. James Clyburn, John Lewis, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton and the rest have ALL voice their support for Obama. Farrakhan even forgave and embraced Obama after Obama was FORCED to rebuke him. The Congressional Black Caucus never felt slighted by Obama and are all now behind him 100%, at least in public. The CBC, if they do indeed feel slighted, need to get over it and work hard for this man, simply because he's for ALL Americans, not just specifically for the Black community.

#3 Embrace Hip-Hop Culture But Not Get Caught in the Fu*ckery - Plausible

Now this is indeed a rock & a hard place, but it's a rock & a hard place that Obama need not be. If any one puts him there, IT WILL BE US. We as Black folk CANNOT expect Obama to fully embrace Hip-Hop because we KNOW for certain how that will look. If WE force Obama to address his lackluster support for Hip-Hop WE doom him. Not only that, but Black folk need to get off that BS about not voting for him because he doesn't voice his liking for Hip-Hop for 2 reasons: 1. He's already said he listens to Jay-Z and Luda and 2. Black folk need to be looking at his policies not his playlist. Obama need not ever mention Hip-Hop again unless he chooses to because it shouldn't even be an issue.

Obama has plenty of Hip-Hop advocates. In fact, Hip-Hop has been told to tone down it's support for Obama before we scare off the working class White vote. People like Jeezy, Luda, Jay-Z, T.I., Kanye, Mos Def, Talib Kweli and plenty others have been putting his name in their raps for a minute now. It's Black radio and the listeners' faults if their not hearing it.

#4 Stop Hiring Outsiders to Organize Urban Communities - False

Do you know why the campaign isn't hiring leaders from local urban communities? Because they aren't showing that much interest. If local leaders are really, and I mean REALLY, that hype and eager to go help and canvas for the Obama campaign, they need to call in and let them know. The "outsiders" you call them are the super excited Democrat activist who are eager to go to every corner of every neighborhood and talk to every citizen in them about supporting Obama. Local urban leaders cannot be so full of themselves as to just sit on their hands and wait for the call because it's not coming. If they really want to fight for Obama then they've got to git up, git out and git something, word to Outkast & Goodie. You always have to reach for the brass ring...

#5 Obama Needs To Read This Blog - Plausible

While I do think it's a great blog, Biko, it's a little too urban centric for Obama's platform.

You, I and a great deal of folks desire to see Obama in the White House. We just have to make sure that we as Black folk keep those chips off of our shoulders and realize that we as a race are not #1 on his list, but we as Americans are.

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Flash Dance

One thing you may not know about me is I have a job. This job has nothing to do with politics, music or anything that really makes the news; but in my spare time at this job, I write for yet another blog. So without further ado:

Sprint to AT&T: Welcome to the Party!

So, for the seven folks out there who have NOT already upgraded their AT&T Tilt to Windows Mobile 6.1 through other means, your day has come. AT&T and HTC (you guys STILL haven’t sent me my HTC Touch Pro [or should I call it the AT&T Fuze?] yet!!!!) have teamed up to bring you the official upgrade. You can grab yours from the official download page here.

What does the update get you? Well I’m glad I asked...

Read The Rest By Clicking Here.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Guest blog: Stan Gable speaks

From time to time, I'm going to have other folks get in on the fun over here at my little operation. The first one to jump in is my good friend and fellow politico Scrapp aka Stan Gable aka The Onion (trust me, if you see him in Halo 1, 2 or 3, he'll make you cry). Here he's taking on what was written in this MSNBC First Read quicky (click here) about the die-hard PUMA Sen. Hillary Clinton supporters.

Without further ado, get'em Young Scrapper:

I don't understand what Clinton's supporters problems are. As I see it, she lost the nomination because she wasn't prepared for a fight, and took for granted the power of Obamas' message. She thought she had it locked, but she got rocked. That's gotta be frustrating for her and her supporters, but that's what happened. Last night Clinton put the party first, and asked her supporters to do the same. Wake up people, stop acting stupid!! How am I 25 years old and I understand the situation, but older Americans can't get it together? If you're willing to hand the election to the Republicans because you're candidate didn't make it, then you are a misguided and blinded by your own selfishness. And if you're willing to vote for McCain against your own ideals and beliefs, then you should have been supporting him the whole time, because all ideals you claim to hold are nothin but a lie.

If Barack hadn't secured the nomination, sure I would be disappointed. But not to the point where I'd shun the prospects for a different direction of America. If you were truly upset about the way the country has been run the last 8 years, there's no way you should be willing to suffer through another 4 under the Republican umbrella...thats just purely illogical, and you know it. If you don't like the candidate, then you don't have to vote. Its that simple, don't defect and increase the oppositions chances.

Act like you're informed of the consequences of your decision in November. But if you won't listen to the candidate you supported, Sen. Clinton, then who will you listen to? Thats like biting the hand that feeds you...get it together and support your party!

Stan Gable --> out.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Good Tuesday morning to all. As usual, let's dive right in the deep end.

Here's Michelle Obama's speech to the world last night.

So where's my outrage? As usual it lies with the opinion of "critics" and their manufactured criticism.

Now with ANYTHING there are going to be critics so of course as my wife and I watched Mrs. O's speech we KNEW that there was going to be something the critics would be able to nitpick at even after all her logic & her theory, word to Lauryn Hill.

So now the main criticism is that the first night of the DemCon was a wasted opportunity; that the left should have come out of their corner breathing fire and spraying bullets 1930's gangster style at John McCain's general direction without regard for innocent GOP bystanders and dance upon the remains. Bella & I saw this mentioned constantly last night on all 3 major news networks, this morning and now I'm reading it in various comments on various political sites.

Here's the problem, these so called critics will NEVER be satisfied. For one, Nancy Pelosi did (along with starting a small chant) send some small darts with her "John McCain is wrong" warm up but the night was NOT for that and secondly, does Linkin Park start their concerts with "Points of Authority"? Is ComicCon's first major night where Marvel & DC revel all of their big secrets? Does the NBA's all-star weekend start with the dunk contest? No, no and if the NBA was smart they would but no.

The first night of DemCon was set to ease folks into being riled up. A LOT of energy is going to be spent over the next 3 days attacking McCain & the GOP along with officially declaring Barack Obama the Dem nominee. The first night was also set for "re-introducing Barack & Michelle Obama", something you critics said NEEDED to be done!

If Michelle's speech did not cover what she covered and instead attacked McCain, you critics would have said "That was ok, but we still don't really know her. We don't know if the voters are comfortable enough to have her in the White House," not to mention I'm sure a few fruits out there would have further pushed the "angry Black woman" rhetoric.

Look, I understand talking heads are talking because they get paid to, that's fine with me (I wish I could get paid for it, trust me), but if these same critics & political pundits wouldn't have stoked the false flames of an anti-American Michelle Obama, maybe just maybe, she wouldn't have had to do what she did last night.

But then again, maybe her speech has finally changed the narrative about her and the Dems can finally move forward without the unquestioning MSM holding them back.

For now, let's sit back and watch what the left has in store for tonight. I'll tell you this though, my 1 faithful reader, the attacks will come tonight and the critics will be pushing some ridiculous manufactured criticism tomorrow.

I'll leave you with a few pieces from a world renown musical genius Mr. Stevie Wonder. Why? To educate the young folks as to where Mrs. Obama drew her entrance and exit music. Enjoy...

Stevie Wonder - I Was Made To Love Her (opening music)

Stevie Wonder - Isn't She Lovely (closing music)

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Who Killed It?

I am a fan of SOHH. I've been reading it since I discovered back around 1999/2000 or so. I have the RSS feed linked to my Outlook box at work so I can take a gander at Hip-Hop news and blog entries without losing that much productivity. So when the latest blog entry from Flx for the southern focused Dirty Blog hit my feed lines about his take on hip-hop being alive, his writing sparked something in me to respond. Flx, I understand what you're saying but I must respectfully disagree. I'm not going to go into this generally, just a point by point rebuttal is all.

The argument, primarily started by Nas a couple years ago, is hip-hop is dead vs hip-hop is alive & thriving. The back & forth to this argument has caused beefs, heated debates and kurfuffles but it seems like each side holds steady to their beliefs while not trying to understand the other side.

Let me put this bluntly, Hip-Hop, in it's truest form and by pure definition is DEAD.. Now why do I say that? Because the term Hip-Hop refers to a culture that houses 4 elements (KRS-One would say 5, but let's stick with the classic definition). 2 of those elements are on life-support and the last two have, in the overall sense, transformed into an unrecognizable forms of themselves, would you not agree Flx? Sales matter now MORE THAN EVER and there is hardly ANY respect for the art. When ringtone sales sparks more discussion then what the artist says on the song made into a ringtone, something's wrong.

First off, pull any young bul whippin his mama's car banging the latest Lil Wayne he downloaded off of one of the New Music Cartel's sites and ask him, "What are the 4 elements of Hip-Hop". I'll put money down and say he can't name them, I'll double down and say not even 2. It's because of this the fundamentals of the culture are thrown out of wack. Jazz may not be as strong of a genre as it was before the 80s/90s but the fundamentals are still there, same with Rock (although they'd might have a similar argument to this one with the rise of EMO music), same with Lo-Fi, same with Techno, etc.

You say there is more variety than ever. On a certain level you're right, but overall, I disagree. As SOON as some rapper finds a tiny iota of success you have 15 rappers out doing the same thing and that fad FLOODS the airwaves (radio, tv, youtube, etc). So as soon as we get something thats different, the climate is such that we have copycats immediately and it becomes a fad and the variety disappears.

Soulja Boy. Here's where I'd say a few southern cats get irked because they don't understand the criticisms leveraged at him. No, it is NOT Soulja Boy's fault for the downfall of Hip-Hop (I'll save who I blame for another day), BUT Soulja is simply the poster boy for everything wrong with the culture and, honestly & unfortunately, there's no one else to blame at this time.

And do me a favor, DO NOT compare "Yahh" to "Parent's Just Don't Understand". One has situations that kids today may/may not still be able to relate to, the other is complete nonsensical gibberish, although hilarious. Mims said it best and Soulja followed it, "I can make a mill saying nothing on the beat". Soulja Boy has done nothing to broaden the genre. He's only created a new fad for new dudes to run with until they run it into the ground.

The underground has and will always thrive, no matter how for under the ground it keeps getting pushed. So no argument there. As far as independence, I wouldn't call it a trend that Slim Thug is starting. I'd say Rawkus, Landspeed, Stones Throw and the current king Koch are good examples of independence that can go right (Koch, Stones Throw) and when it can nose dive (Rawkus, Landspeed).

I think I'm rambling now so I'll end this entry with this: Hip-Hop is either dead or dying, but Rapping IS doing fine and the business of rapping is better than ever.

I'll leave you all with the brilliant "Who" by Joe Budden.


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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Property Tax

Yea, it's my first official post but I'm going in. Things are getting too hilarious now.

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in an interview Wednesday that he was uncertain how many houses he and his wife, Cindy, own. (c)

So here's the question, and it's two fold: Does McCain have that many houses with his wife that he can't count them all off the top of his head, or is his oldness getting in the way and he truly cannot remember how many? Yup, the ole "are you still beating your wife?" trick question comes in here.

I can guarantee you, my 1 reader, that MOST people know exactly how many properties they own. Ask anyone on the street, they'll say 1, maybe 2. If you happen to talk to someone who's doing a bit better, they may say 3, maybe 4. Someone who's serious about property might say they have a duplex and some condos; and if TV has served me right, rich people love bragging about their "property in Venice and another in the Florida Keys".

The point is, for McCain to gaffe it up on a question like this, the Obama campaign needs desperately to take this and use it to obliterate ALL of McCain's "I'm just a regular guy like you" standings while simultaneously highlighting his modest 1 house and the fact that him & his wife just paid off their college loans. It probably won't do that much to chip away at the "elitist" persona that Hillary Clinton placed on him (thanks a lot Hil) but it's a definite strong start.

But here's what kills me about politics and the general IQ of this country. When one man, who's rich and has a super rich wife, calls another man, who is modestly rich, elitist, and people believe it, something's wrong. Every single one of you non-politicians out there who follow the party line and repeat talking points like parrots need to have lobotomies.

There should be a verbal test for anybody who wants to register to vote so that ridiculous crap like this or Obama being painted as an "elitist liberal" and NOT either men's policies does not persuade a person to vote one way or the other.

Told you I was going in...

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Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Out of Control

Ok, so the US seems to be going out of control with the US presidential race, the rise of gossip and star obsession, the decline of intelligence and terrible hip-hop continuing to dominate urban radio. I've always had a lot to say on certain subjects (as my wife and fellow blogger would tell you) so I need somewhere tangible to throw these thoughts, interesting articles and random reviews to the masses.

Stay tuned